Who We Are
Since 2002, we have been working in partnership with Leaders and their organisations to transform how they lead themselves and their people for greatest impact within their organisation and communities.
We help leadership teams understand the impact of their leadership on the bigger system and how transformation of their leadership is the key to creating a thriving culture.
Most of our clients have risen the ranks in their organisations by becoming experts - with a focus on success. This is also the world we have come from.
"What got us here, won't get us there." (Marshall Goldsmith)
We help leaders “get on the balcony” of their life and work, to consider the legacy they wish to leave behind. We help them:
- Become aware of and transcend their fears
- Transform their biggest challenges as growth opportunities
- Reframe their life story to tap into their greatest potential
- Step into courageous authenticity
- Lead from Purpose
When we take personal accountability for everything that happens in our life– moving from a victim mindset to mastery, this liberates us, our teams and organisations.
This is the core of our Work.
Organisations don't transform, people do.
-Richard Barrett
Begin Your Journey
Leadership 1:
Transforming Self
This is where it all starts: becoming aware of what is driving you, your conscious and unconscious values and beliefs. In this program we deep dive on what is creating your reactive behaviours and how to transform the biggest challenges in your life. We complete the transformation with emerging your Purpose and stepping into a place of action, bringing your new insights back into your life and leadership.
Leadership 2:
Living My Purpose
After emerging your Purpose, this is the opportunity to bring it to life. In this six-month group coaching program, we follow the Values and Purpose coaching practice through every challenge so that you can reach your goals sooner, and start to manifest your Purpose
Leadership 3:
Leading from Purpose
Learn what it is to be a Purpose-led leader. In this program we step into how we can BE and LEAD from a place of authenticity and Purpose, inspiring those around us and being at the core of anauthentic, high-performing team.
Facilitator Development
Illuminate: Facilitating Deep Transformation
The Illuminate Program is an advanced, life-transforming development program that enables facilitators/coaches to create transformation for their clients or their own organisation by developing their "Being" along with their "Doing" and "Knowing". They become a Catalysing Presence.
The three-month program is open to experienced facilitators looking to go on a deep personal transformation and use a profound and simple methodology with their clients which integrates ancient wisdom with leadership research, allowing profound shifts for them and their systems.
We are continuing to create a Community of Transformational Facilitators that, collectively, are enabling a shift in the consciousness of leaders globally.
What is the Values & Purpose Methodology?
Our Values and Purpose methodology is at the core of our programs.
To enable change at a systemic level, we work at three levels:
Leadership Transformation
For a systemic shift to to happen, it must start with the Senior Leaders, and their willingness to be challenged for their greatest growth in service of the organisation.
Team Transformation
We help create purpose-driven teams to foster trust, engage in diverse perspectives and drive transformational impact.
Culture Transformation
We help organisations measure and transform their culture by co-creating, with the whole system, their Purpose and Values.
Why Values?
Values are what matters to us. Our personal values are the filter through which we experience life.
They become the compass (consciously or unconsciously) of how we show up at work and at home. Becoming more conscious of our values and beliefs unlocks our greatest potential.
The collective values that are lived create the culture. These values are the unseen attributes that can be felt within teams and organisations. Without knowing it, the values the leaders of the organisation prioritise have a great or negative impact on our culture, and therefore the organisation's performance.
Here are some examples of typical organisational "From-To" culture shifts...
Internal Competition
"You can't solve problems from the same level of thinking we used when we created them."
Albert Einstein
Through a focus on Values and Purpose - at both a personal and organisational level - we are better able to navigate the volatile and complex world in which we live.
Values provide a "North Star" guiding us to live in integrity to our Purpose. Living our values creates more internal alignment, inviting us to be more courageous and authentic.
The core of values-based leadership is a willingness to move out of our comfort zone and connect with a learning mindset, where our greatest potential lies.
When we transform, we expand our consciousness.
Our worldview shifts and we see new possibilities which we could not have seen before.
When we challenge ourselves to live our Values and Purpose, we create an extraordinary ripple effect with our families, our teams, and our communities.
Who We Are
We are a network of passionate facilitators with the common purpose of inspiring and challenging leaders to step into their full potential.
Wishing to share the power of this work with the world, we train and develop leaders, facilitators and coaches who wish to bring this Values and Purpose methodology to the world. Through the "Facilitating Transformation through Values" (FTV) Certification, we now have a Community of over 250 "Facilitators of Transformation" that can offer this Work around the world.