Engagement Surveys or Culture Surveys?
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Many of our clients engage with us because they have received a low engagement score in their latest survey. Rather than attempting to remedy the symptoms of poor culture (e.g. low engagement), we go deeper and explore the root causes.
This is why a values-based culture survey is so important. It taps into *why* people may not feel empowered or engaged and tells us what they want in a thriving culture, where people can be their best.
The Barrett Culture Assessment we use asks three simple questions:
1. What are your PERSONAL top 10 values?
2. CURRENT CULTURE - What do you feel are the top 10 values being lived in the organisation right now?
3. DESIRED CULTURE - What are the top 10 values you think are most important for this organisation to fulfil its highest potential?
The survey also gives a score of CULTURAL ENTROPY, the % of energy being wasted in the organisation due to poor culture. This translates to a tangible ROI on organisational performance based on the culture.
This simple qualitative and quantitative data has great depth when we debrief the survey in teams or the whole organisation. People feel heard and valued. They become engaged in the dialogue about co-creating the desired culture and are invested in driving the change that enables the organisation to achieve its strategy/vision AND engages its people.
If your organisation is experiencing poor engagement scores and you want to get to the root cause of what is driving it and engage your whole system in change, then reach out to our team to start your values-based culture survey.