Leadership Journeys

Begin your journey of what it is to step into extraordinary leadership

When leaders step into courageous authenticity, they step into a new level of fulfilment at work, at home and most importantly, with themselves. In turn, creating more fulfilling and thriving workplaces. 


Our leadership development programs integrate the latest leadership research with ancient wisdom into a simple and profound process to help leaders transcend their current challenges and be of greater good to those around them. 

All of our programs are experience-based transformations, not theoretical lectures. This means that most of our participants have life-changing experiences which allow them to let go of what is holding them back, and start living their purpose. 

Like upgrading a computer, we are upgrading our own operating system where we become more effective, more connected, more in "flow", and able to sense and bring into form the potential that lies within us.

Begin Your Journey

Leadership 1:

Transforming Self

This is where it all starts: becoming aware of what is driving you, your conscious and unconscious values and beliefs. In this program we deep dive into what is creating your reactive behaviours and how to transform the biggest challenges in your life. We complete the transformation by emerging your Purpose and stepping into a place of action, bringing your new insights back into your life and leadership. 

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Leadership 2: 

Living Your Purpose

↳ After emerging your Purpose, this is the opportunity to bring it to life. In this six-month group coaching program, we follow the Values and Purpose coaching methodology through every challenge so that you can reach your goals sooner, and start to manifest your Purpose. 

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Leadership 3: 

Leading with Purpose

Learn what it is to be a Purpose-led leader. In this program we step into how we can BE and LEAD from a place of authenticity and Purpose, inspiring those around us and being at the core of an authentic, high-performing team.

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Executive Coaching

A fundamental part of all our leadership programs is individual or group coaching. We have found that coaching is a critical element to both unlock deeper blocks for a coachee as well as being included post-program as a way to sustain and embed the transformation.  Coaching can include: