A Focus on Values, Purpose and Consciousness
Our methodology has been developed over 20 years by learning from great masters, integrating the latest leadership research, and grounding this wisdom into an accessible methodology centred on Values, Purpose, and Consciousness.
Most importantly, our methodology has been developed through living the Work in our own lives; witnessing our own day-to-day transformations within our businesses and in our families, and seeing the ripple effect that extends to our communities.
The Journey of Living Your Values and Purpose
All leaders, at some point in their life or career will be faced with extraordinary challenges. The work that we facilitate invites leaders to ask - "how may this challenge be an opportunity for your growth?".
Identifying our Values and Purpose allows us to consciously let go of what is holding us back which allows an emergence of our next level of growth and evolution - to see our true Self. We can become masters of our own evolution!
We are passionate about helping leaders, coaches and facilitators realise that working at a deeper level with our Values can liberate us from our old stories and old beliefs. In fact, when we live our top Values - in their full integrity, we step into our Purpose and into extraordinary leadership.
Combining Leadership Research and Ancient Wisdom
Over the last twenty years, we have been combining thought leadership research and ancient wisdom into a single Values and Purpose transformation methodology; the core of which is an expansion of Consciousness.

Gita Bellin & Associates (GBA)
Gita's teachings originate from a lineage of Indian Masters, devoted to awakening those in the West, helping societal shifts in the UK, South Africa and beyond in the 1970s and 1980s. "GBA holds a Field for All People Everywhere to Experience and Know the Truth of Conscious Evolution."
Lisa and Malcolm Doig were mentored by Gita and are committed to bringing the full integrity of her work to our methodologies. We are very grateful for the deep personal transformation development and advanced practices that we received from Gita at Woodside Energy and in the early years of Corporate Evolution.
Gita has made her meditation practice available through the Dynamic Mind Practice app. It is free to download and we recommend adopting it as a meditation practice.
Richard Barrett and the Seven Levels of Consciousness Model
The Barrett Model is the breakthrough work of Richard Barrett. Inspired by Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and tested over more than two decades of real-world applications with thousands of organisations, the model identifies the seven areas that comprise human motivations. These range from basic survival at one end, to service for future generations at the other.
This model provides a proven and extraordinarily useful map for understanding the values of your employees, leaders, and stakeholders. Even more it creates deeper alignment of purpose across your organization.
What we find so compelling about this model is that leaders appreciate its simplicity and depth as it speaks to people at an intuitive level. We can see ourselves in it, on our journey through life, from ego to True Self. It points to how we can expand and grow in a way that resonates with most people, even if we can’t yet fully grasp how we get there. When we debrief this model with a client, people feel deeply heard and valued.
Utilising the Barrett Values Centre Analytics, we use this model as a diagnostic tool to measure the levels of consciousness of a leader, teams and organisation.
If you would like to become an accredited practitioner of this diagnostic, we offer certification programs as Barrett Values Centre certified Trainers.

Ron Heifetz (Kennedy School of Government), Harvard Business School -"Adaptive Leadership".
Ron Heifetz’s work (along with Martin Linsky and Zander Grashow) on Adaptive Leadership is the “why change” context for leaders today. Just about every leadership challenge we work with today is adaptive – where it is complex, requires multi-stakeholder engagement, and where there is often not a known solution. The key skill of “getting on the balcony” AND in the dance (at the same time) can transform how a leader leads themselves and others.
For us, Heifetz and Laurie’s work is the context around “why change”. Disruption and complexity is only accelerating.
This is a great article to learn more by Ron Heifetz and Marty Linsky: A Survival Guide For Leaders
John Demartini and The Demartini Method/ The Quantum Collapse Process
We have been inspired by John Demartini’s work on values and dissolving emotional and mental blockages. He has a powerful process looking at the drawbacks and benefits of any life experience and through this “balancing” the positive and negative attributes we can realise a higher meaning of the experience. When we align with our highest values we are empowered in all areas of our life.
“... When the voice and vision on the inside is more profound than all opinions on the outside; you’ve begun to master your life”
– John Demartini

Otto Scharmer, Presencing Institute and Theory U
We integrate “Theory U” as the transformational design process of all our programs. Otto Scharmer is Senior Lecturer at MIT and worked with Peter Senge and others in developing the Theory U methodology. It follows five movements to unlock adaptive challenges in a powerful way that engages a whole system and where, at the core of the emergence process, is the transformation of leaders and connecting to a bigger Purpose.
Otto Scharmer and the Presencing Institute is a generous organisation in sharing their methodology and now implementing whole systems transformation around the planet with tens of thousands of initiatives that are transforming society.
Bob Anderson - The Leadership Circle
Bob Anderson is the Founder of The Leadership Circle. His research created the Leadership Circle 360 Profile. We consider this diagnostic one of the most leading-edge diagnostic tools because it is offers a unified theory of leadership based on the significant researchers and thought leaders in today’s adaptive leadership context and stages of vertical development research.
Bob is an inspiring individual and brings to the world a well-researched 360 diagnostic that measures the competencies and "underlying assumptions" that create extraordinary leaders in today’s world.
We use the Leadership Circle Profile with many of our clients due to the strength of its research. The tool allows leaders to get qualitative and quantitative feedback on their leadership style and what will potentially unlock their leadership in a transformational way.

Adult Stages of Development by Robert Kegan
Robert Kegan is a renowned developmental psychologist from Harvard. His contributions in the area of Adult Stages of Development is the core research in our methodology around how leaders can expand their consciousness and therefore solve more complex problems. It shows how individuals evolve in their thinking, emotions and sense of self and therefore offers a roadmap for transformation..
- Stage 1 — Impulsive mind (early childhood)
- Stage 2 — Imperial mind (adolescence, 6% of adult population)
- Stage 3 — Socialized mind (58% of the adult population)
- Stage 4 — Self-Authoring mind (35% of the adult population)
- Stage 5 — Self-Transforming mind (1% of the adult population)
We love Kegan’s work because it provides the solid research behind both the Barrett Model and the Leadership Circle and provides the “why change” for leaders dealing with complexity and disruption.
Byron Katie and "The Work"
Byron Katie’s “The Work” process is a simple yet profound inquiry into beliefs which are potentially holding us back, and simply asking “is it true?”
Her process enables people to see the mirror in any upset and the transformation that sits within the challenge. We incorporate some of her powerful questions in our transformational Iceberg Coaching process.