We wish to acknowledge that we operate on the land of the Wadjuk people of the Noongar nation in Western Australia.
We also wish to acknowledge and thank all those who have influenced and helped us bring this Work to the world.
McKinsey & Company pilots personal transformation at the heart of culture change at Woodside Energy
Our story starts in 2000, when Malcolm Doig was working at Woodside Energy. Michael Rennie, (former) Director of McKinsey, working with personal transformation guru, Gita Bellin, piloted a new way of transforming an organisation with deep personal transformation at its core. It was called "Performance Leadership Program". This program was led courageously by John Akehurst, the CEO at the time.
The program was life-changing for the CEO and many of its Leaders in the organisation. Malcolm, a Senior Leader at the time, was amongst those who attended the program and found it life-changing. It was so transformational for the organisation that they invited spouses onto a weekend "Being in Relationship" program, which Lisa attended and remarked, "in one moment, my life completely changed".
For both Malcolm and Lisa, the Performance Leadership Program had a deep impact on their marriage, family and work. As part of the Woodside culture change program, an internal facilitator program was created by McKinsey and Malcolm and Lisa Doig joined the team of facilitators trained by Gita Bellin. Gita worked deeply with them, sharing her wisdom and the lineage from which she came.
Founding Corporate Evolution
Passionate about personal transformation in business, Lisa left her Marketing Consultancy business and took the leap to start Corporate Evolution. As McKinsey’s leadership transformation program, piloted with Woodside Energy, began spreading around the world, Lisa joined McKinsey as an external facilitator. Over a 15-year period, she facilitated transformation programs for their clients around the world.
After supporting the Woodside transformation as an internal facilitator, Malcolm joined Corporate Evolution in 2004.
We have deep gratitude to McKinsey for all we have learned and for the facilitator community that was formed.
During this time, we worked closely with other Gita Bellin & Associates trained Facilitators including Caroline Glanville Jones, Robert Meredith, Rachel Akehurst, Claire Goodson, Felicity Waterford, Nancy Taylor, Paul Collins and Peter Shearer.
Developing Large Culture Change Programs
By becoming a Trainer of the Barrett 7 Levels of Consciousness diagnostics, we expanded our capability to help organisations become Purpose-led, Values-guided organisations. Over the next 10 years, some of the larger culture change organisations included Freehills law firm (now Herbert Smith Freehills), RAC WA, and Curtin University.
Developing Team Transformation Journeys
With Malcolm’s passion and experience in high performance teams, he led the development of the Team Transformation Programs with tangible impact. Clients included Westpac Institutional Bank, Chevon, Fluor, BHP, Calibre, Consolidated Minerals, BHP/Flour, CBH (agribusiness) among others.
Developing Facilitators of Transformation
In 2009, McKinsey asked Lisa and Rachel Akehurst to create the Facilitator Development for the management consultancy's India office. Subsequently, the Facilitator Development expanded to several multinational clients, involving the development of hundreds of facilitators globally for internal capability building.
This began a new trajectory for Corporate Evolution creating a global standard for development of Facilitators of Transformation.
We'd like to acknowledge Rachel Akehurst and Roland Slot as co-creators during this period.
Flagship Program
"Transforming Self" as Public Offering
Since 2010, we have developed the core of our own Values-and-Purpose-based-Leadership program, now referred to as the "Transforming Self" program, which is delivered over 2 days.
By now, we realised that you have to "experience" the work to understand the power of it. We, therefore, started offering public courses to prospective clients so they could experience the depth of the work. These public courses continue today.
Over the next few years we integrated the work of Otto Scharmer (Presencing Institute), Bob Kegan (Harvard University), Bob Anderson (Leadership Circle) and Byron Katie (The Work) and John Demartini (The Dematini method).

This image reflects the vision of the FTV - the Essence of the Work at the centre with each of us as beams of light spreading the Work in the world. We actually saw this image in our visioning meditation and then when we turned up at a hotel, this light fixture was in the entrance - exactly as we saw in the meditation!
Facilitating Transformation through Values is born
In 2015 we asked ourselves the question, “how can we make the biggest impact in the world while.... holding the highest integrity of the Work". We made a promise to Gita in 2002 that we would always uphold the integrity of the spiritual essence of the Work.
In the previous few years we had not included the Barrett values model. We realised Consciousness was the missing link in facilitators understanding the bigger "Why" of the Work - which is to expand Consciousness on the planet.
Lisa felt compelled to pause and rewrite the whole facilitator development program integrating the power of Values. Her vision was to create a leadership development system that would ground spiritual wisdom in business. The calling was to codify everything we have learned in the last 10 years and offer this to other leaders, coaches and facilitators who want to create transformation in the world.
Synchronistically, Barrett Values Centre asked us to pilot this facilitator program, realising that their practitioners can only transform an organisation to the level of consciousness that the facilitators hold themselves.
Since 2015, we have been running this facilitator program, now called, “Facilitating Transformation through Values” (FTV). We have trained and accredited a community of over 250 practitioners around the world. We wish to acknowledge co-creators during this journey as Rebecca de Regt and, more recently, Renu Burr.
The FTV Community is thriving, as a place for nourishing connection, learning and collaboration.
Building Internal Capability - Partnering with Aberkyn

From 2015 - 2018, Corporate Evolution and Aberkyn (McKinsey’s Leadership Development consultancy) worked together to provide FTV as its core curriculum with the requirement for all Aberkyn facilitators to be trained in this work.
We wish to acknowledge Roland Slot, Eric Mandersloot, Francoise Gielen and the Aberkyn Executive team, as well as their facilitator community for our close connection and collaboration.
Building Internal Capability - Nordea Bank

In 2017-2019, in collaboration with Aberkyn, we were invited by Nordea Bank, the largest Nordic bank, to build internal capability as part of a whole systems transformation. We trained 50 internal champions and helped to build an internal faculty. Gratitude to Karen Tobiasen, former Chief People Officer, who had the passion and courage to introduce a "Heart Revolution".
Publishing the "Values Journal"
How do you sustain the transformation? In response to this challenge, we developed the "Values Journal: A Guide to Manifesting your Purpose". It is a coaching guide which builds new habits for courageously stepping into your values and manifesting your purpose. The App version will be available in 2024.
Going Online - Covid
The Covid-19 pandemic provided the opportunity to bring all our offerings online, expanding the global reach and accessibility of our programs. Now all of our programs are available as online offerings, often with participants joining from up to five continents. Upset=Setup!
Our Flourishing Community
Having accredited over 250 facilitators in our "Illuminate: Facilitating Deep Transformation" program, this global community of facilitators comes together every month to learn, grow and co-create together.
Together, we have the capability of facilitating large events, such as the "Shifting Consciousness Summit" we facilitated in 2024 with 350 participants around the world.
We received so many impactful testimonials, such as, "Thank you! What an impactful life changing experience. Such insights. tools and new ways of thinking to integrate into life to facilitate real positive transformation. Such amazing expertise,experience, love and compassion shared with us. A collective shift which is only just beginning."